Ronald Heister | Public Relations
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Public Relations

Why PR?

The goal of public relations is to mold opinion. The saying “perception is reality” speaks to the need for public relations. Public relations works to protect an organization’s or individual’s reputation. Effective PR strengthens credibility, enhances image, develops goodwill and influences behavior. Speeches, special events, newsletters, annual reports and news releases are examples of PR tactics.


Whether you want to sell a product or service, have an image problem, or just wish to become recognized. We’re here to help you with the process of preparation and implementation. First set out the facts. And identify the risks and opportunities. Why we should want something, or why we should not. And when you’ve got everything neatly set out. With a clear plan, a summary of the costs and benefits, and of course a clear message. Then we roll up our sleeves and get started! Communications planning, Strategy development, Messaging development, Campaign management.